Alan's Thunks

Monday, May 09, 2011

How stupid can I be?

The wife is out delivering leaflets on a Sunday morning, I am busy trying to do something useful when the phone rings! It is the wife saying that she has been bitten by a dog, will I come & get her.

Of course I say yes but explain I am not dressed yet. Si I get dressed and leave the house but I walk, after all it isn't far. Obviously I was meant to get the car and take her straight to A & E . Where was I, somewhere else, so I walk at a reasonable pace but what made me not get the car.

Anyway we got home and then I drove her to A & E. She got her had grabbed by a dog when she pushed a leaflet through the door.

As a result of the bandaging she mustn't get her hand wet or bend her finger , so cooking, washing up are allactivities which she can no longer perform. I don't suppose it would have made any difference if we had got to A & E any earlier.

Might write about the election soon but past my bedtime now.



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