Alan's Thunks

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cameron's Contricks


The "Big Society" should be called the "Big Trick". It is just the old right wing Tory philosophy dressed up to sound good. With a bit of thought it can been seen through. Notice that people will have the right to cut the council tax NOT to increase it. Surely if the people are to be given power why can't it go both ways. If your local council cuts too many things, as most will if Cameron gets into power. why shouldn't we be able to make them spend more if that is what we want.

Locally a bunch of redneck Tories from the backwoods want to turn the street lights of in Norwich where I live. Very few people in Norwich want to do that but hey we don't count, lets save a few pennies even if we are happy to spend that money.

Again we see the hypocrisy over unitary status for Norwich, at last the present government has given Norwich some local autonomy but Mr Cameron has said that he would take it away even though the people of Norwich want it. He wants us to be ruled by hicks from 50 miles away, so much for people power in their communities.

Cameron had a disabled child so he understood the importance of the NHS. Perhaps if he had a child who needed the benefit system who we see the need for it to be protected and supported. He is meant to be clever but one of the signs of an educated person should be the ability to see how decisions affect people not just yourself. It makes we wonder whether a first class degree from Oxford just means that you are a highly qualified con artists!



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