Alan's Thunks

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Religious Hypocrites


I don't think it includes all of them but most at the top. We have the edifying sight of the Pope and the Bishops of the Church of England claiming the right to be homophobic.

Why is it OK to say that I don't like gays or transexuals or any other group if I say it is "gods" word. We have some of the bishops in the House of Lords, do they come to protect the poor and the underpriviliged, of course not. They turn up to protect the right of the church to be prejudiced. All the government wants to do is to stop people using prejudice in their employment of people.

Isn't it amazing that some people think it is the right of others to use their power to victimise people, as long as it is religion. It is not just the christian churches who think like this, jews & muslims are no better, some of them are probably worse.

Surely in the 21st century we should have stopped people behaving badly and using religion as an excuse.


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