Unintelligent Design
Every time I see someone who purports to be a scientist trying to argue that "Creationism" or "Intelligent Dersign" should be taught in science I feel a sense of despair.
It simply isn't science it is myth. It is the "Primary Cause" justification for "God" dressed up. If the universe is too complex to have occurred by accident then how come the the "intelligence" was there. Surely that needed an "intelligence" to have created that and so on ad infinitum. What can we predict from the existence of intelligent design, nothing, how can we faslify it, no way. It is simply not a scientific theory. The only reason it even pretends to be is that it seems to contradict somehting in the bible!
However I have never seen an argument attacking the Theory of Graviation, no antigravity theory yet there are interesting questions about it and it ceratinly contradiscts at least one story in the bible, Joshua 10: 8-14. This is where "God" holds up the sun so Joshua can finish his dats destruction. This completely contradicts anything we know about Newtonian mechanics, perhaps we need a Christian alternative to mechanics but perhaps the "Creationists" don't believe.
In Brtian you cannot train and become a teacher unless you can oass an appropriate test in Mathematics, I don't think people who don't beleive in Science, and I include Creationists and believers in "Intelligent Design" should not be allowed to teach.
It simply isn't science it is myth. It is the "Primary Cause" justification for "God" dressed up. If the universe is too complex to have occurred by accident then how come the the "intelligence" was there. Surely that needed an "intelligence" to have created that and so on ad infinitum. What can we predict from the existence of intelligent design, nothing, how can we faslify it, no way. It is simply not a scientific theory. The only reason it even pretends to be is that it seems to contradict somehting in the bible!
However I have never seen an argument attacking the Theory of Graviation, no antigravity theory yet there are interesting questions about it and it ceratinly contradiscts at least one story in the bible, Joshua 10: 8-14. This is where "God" holds up the sun so Joshua can finish his dats destruction. This completely contradicts anything we know about Newtonian mechanics, perhaps we need a Christian alternative to mechanics but perhaps the "Creationists" don't believe.
In Brtian you cannot train and become a teacher unless you can oass an appropriate test in Mathematics, I don't think people who don't beleive in Science, and I include Creationists and believers in "Intelligent Design" should not be allowed to teach.
In Brtian you cannot train and become a teacher unless you can oass an appropriate test in Mathematics, I don't think people who don't beleive in Science, and I include Creationists and believers in "Intelligent Design" should not be allowed to teach.
Perhaps the same should apply to them that can't spell or use double negatives correctly....
Anonymous, at 4:45 PM
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