Alan's Thunks

Monday, April 25, 2005

wasting time

Very easy to see hit having half a dozen things to be done and waste your time. Just been talking to an old friend who says he is too old to want to live through another Conservative government. But is what we will get from Tony Blair much better. Plans for two hundred more academies.

But more interestingly what happened to Rover? How come other countries can make cars successfully in Britain but British manufacturers can't. Cousl it be the low status that we give to engineers. In most of Europe, Engineering is the prestigious subject! BUT no in Britain. So whereas in France & Germany etc the most able students vie to get into engineering courses in Britain it is seen to be an easy option. What do we get in Britain, lawyers and accountants, perhaps the two mst useless professions and so we no longer have a manufacturing base.

In the 18h century when much of the industrial development went on, manufacturing was much more pragmatic and we are very good at that, but once it got theoretical we lost interest. But then the esatblishment were never very interested. Until the middle of the 19th century if you wanted to study science in Britain you went to Scotland. Things didn't really change until the monopoly that Oxfors and Cambridge had on university eduaction in England was broken.


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